Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Congress No Closer to Ending the Shutdown on Day 2

Congress no closer to deal on day 2 of shutdown (via PBS News Hour)

By: Terence Burlij and Christina Bellantoni The Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (Dean J. Koepfler/Tacoma News Tribune/MCT via Getty Images)The prospects for a quick resolution to the shutdown dimmed Tuesday as neither side in the fight over funding…

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Think This is The First Government Shutdown in 17 Years? Think Again...

Think this is the first time in 17 years the government has shut down? Think again! Remember this great clip from one of the all-time greatest TV shows, The West Wing?

Robert Nelson is blogger-in-chief at Dude, Sustainable!. Find us on Google+ or on Facebook.

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